Wednesday, 29 September 2021

🌱Green Gold🌱

 Since 2014 our school has been working hard to get Green Gold, and this year 2021 we have a achieved Green Gold! Yesterday morning our whole class walked up to what we think was the start of Hamanatua.

Off we went sliding down the mudd to get to the river we had to cross. Rio and I came up with a marvelous idea, I would jump over the stream first and Rio would hold my bag, once I got over Rio would throw both of our bags over separately, and then Rio would jump across. Great plan right? Well we though it was.....

I passed my bag to Rio and leaped across the awa, and then Rio did toru strong swings and PLOP my bag was rima centimetres away from making it!!!! Now my bag was soaking wet, but we all had a good laugh about it.

"Ewww, I stepped in poo" I whined! We were all trudging through the mud complaining about slushy mud massages on our feet. So I decided to come up with a challenge. Ella, Esther, ALice, Krisse, Rio & I all had to walk through anything gross without complaining, because I think we all got sick of people complaining. 

We were half way through the challenge and I think I speak for every one when I say we were DIRTY. When we got back to school and got changed our enviro team had some news for us. 


Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Cross country!

Today was the last day of running the cross country track, so I wanted to make the most of it.
"Year 6s take you marks" called Koka Sue, it was time and nothing was going to stop me from doing my best. Koka Sue blew the whistle and we were all off like lightning!  I set a pace of 3rd and was hoping to stay in that positions for the whole way or get further in front.

"Breath in, breath out, breath in..." I told myself while trudging through the ditch!  Two laps later I was still in 3rd place and I was pushing myself towards the finish, just a few more steps and I had crossed the finish line 3rd place! 

Overall I was very proud of myself, and I could hardly wait to get back to school for our ice creams!