One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. "Ahhh I am puffing already" I complain to myself, I feel like I can't run another step. Surely we are close to the finish line, "yeah only one and a half more laps to run" said Charlotte A.
Last Friday we had to walk down to Okitu to run the cross country track. Not the actual race just a practice but it sure felt like a race, expect we ran with the year six boys and on the real day we run separate. Koka Rozie taught us a trick to focus on our breathing the most so we don't get too puffed.
When Matua Nic is getting us lined up and ready to go that is when the nerves come to me, it gets better when I am running, and when the race is finished we get to relax and go back to school.
For the last few years they have done it by years youngest to oldest so the juniors always got to go fist and we big kids have to go last, just watching them all race got everyone even more nervous .
But this year it changed, we are doing oldest to youngest which, I am very happy about. We can just sit back and loosen up and watch all the other kids race.