Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Marai Noho

OMG    This marai is so big It's like two massive tree what a second there's no Tekoteko now that's weird.  When we arrived at the Marae it was amazing we got in our class lines and sat down. All our gear was on the grass once our teachers told us what to do we were welcomed onto the Marae. After that we did our rotations  They were really fun because they had heaps of things really complicated to do. Bang boom bong rolled the handball across the gravel.  once we had a couple of rotations we got to Have our brain break we did more rotations until the end of the day when it was dinner we had nachos they were so good. We got to have ice blocks and apples but I was not allowed the have the ice blocks because i am not allowed nuts and we got jucies insed! When dinner was over we went to bed I steered at the beautiful kowhaiwhai art on the roof. The highlight of the day was the beautiful butterflies and bees buzzing.  By Lola
This was my second group rotation and we made a long lines of koros. When it was finished it looked so good. 
We also got to weave with flax it was really fun because I had never weaved before.
This was Indie and I doing honga it was hard the first couple of times but once we got it we had it.